DOC file converter

Convert PDF to word with this free online converter. Upload any text document or a pdf file and download instantly your word document.

DOCX file converter

Convert your documents to the Microsoft DOCX format with this free online document converter.

HTML file converter

Convert your documents to HTML with this free online HTML converter.

ODT file converter

Convert your documents to the Open-Office ODT format with this free online document converter.

PDF file converter

Convert text to PDF optimized for ebook readers with this free online ebook converter. Select target devices like the Kindle or Sony reader to enhance formatting.

PPT file converter

Free online file converter to convert various file types like PPTX or ODP to the Microsoft Powerpoint PPT format.

PPTX file converter

Online converter to create Microsoft Powerpoint presentations in the new PPTX format. Free of charge providing high quality file conversion results.

RTF file converter

This free online RTF converter allows you to convert your files and ebooks to the RTF format without installing any software on your computer. It even can convert text from images.

TXT file converter

This free online media converter lets you convert your documents and ebooks to the TXT format, including OCR. Fast and high quality conversion.

XLSX file converter

Convert your file to XLSX with this free online file converter. OCR is supported in case you want to convert from PDF to XLSX.